Unexpected Gifts
A Report on Cooking for a Community through the Food Share
By Sharon Steward
In what was our 9th summer of camp ministry, our family was given a reprieve of island life. Certainly not planned, or easy, but gifted none the less. Our three boys experienced a summer taken straight out of my own childhood on the farm in the prairies with daily garden work and yard chores. They had not known a summer beyond camp, and it was good. For certain, we had days in which great longings were felt, mostly for the water and adventures in the woods. Neil and I felt blessed by a capable and eager team who were happy to manage the site, while we worked from home. Through the season, such minimal numbers could be at camp and so with the five of us staying at home, more young people could soak in the much-needed peace that is felt when on MacKinnon Island. While we hope that it won’t happen again, we will fondly remember our summer of 2020 experience.
It was March and the stress of putting on the annual Spring Celebration event was thick. By Friday morning, March 13 I knew we had to pull the plug. As we flew into action cancelling orders and volunteers, what followed was the biggest change of plans that any of us has ever experienced.

The next phase of our food aid program brings us to building Christmas hampers, as the needs increase while the pandemic hits deeply here in southern Manitoba. While our grant funding has been fully utilized, we expect to receive donated food items, and continue to ask for the community to partner with our program by purchasing hampers for themselves or for us to distribute. Our lists are long, and hopes are big. We will contribute a copy of our camp cookbook, Volume: Cooking for a Community to every new recipient of our Food Share program. You can partner with this project by purchasing a cookbook, or a hamper. If you’d like to help with delivery of the Christmas hampers, please send me an e-mail, we’d love to have some extra hands!
Looking back with thanksgiving, and looking forwards in great hope, it is evident that God had a plan for this project, that our book was published even for the reason to be used as a gift and a tool for this food aid program, and that at the very least we can continue to have big expectations for our God who knew that this time would be now.
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Email Sharon: [email protected]